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For Jim


Updated: Feb 8, 2019

So why am I riding 100 miles again? Why don’t I just slip into the comfort of middle age and middle distances on my bike?

I am riding for my late father-in-law Jim Watt. Jim was a wonderful man, soul partner to my mother-in-law Mary, proud father to Jo and Steph and devoted grandpa to Rowan, Oliver and Ariella.

He was caught with a very quick, very virulent form of leukaemia which unfortunately took him away from us three years ago which is why I am riding for Bloodwise, the UK’s leading charity for blood cancers.

A few facts about blood cancers.

· There are over 100 different types of blood cancer and related conditions.

· Every year in the UK, around 40,000 people are diagnosed with blood cancer.

· Blood cancer is the most common type of cancer amongst children, teenagers and young people in the UK.

· Blood cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer in the UK.

· In the UK, 1 in 16 men and 1 in 22 women will develop blood cancer at some point in their lives.

· There are around 240,000 people living with blood cancer in the UK.

· Blood cancer is the third biggest cancer killer in the UK, claiming the lives of more than 15,000 people each year - more than breast cancer or prostate cancer.

· 6 in 10 people diagnosed with blood cancer in the UK survive for 10 or more years.

· 1 in 7 cases of cancer seen by a GP each year will be blood cancer.

· 3 out of every 10 blood cancer cases in England are diagnosed after presenting to the NHS as an emergency.

As I train, I will try and give you the highs and lows of getting ready for the Prudential Ride London, some stories about how I got back into riding and some thoughts about cycling in general. Hopefully you will be entertained enough to part with some cash!

As I try to get this bear back on the tricycle, it would be great if you spread the word and donate for an amazing charity.

The target is low but the aim is high.

For Jim.

Please donate at my Just Giving page.

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