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The return...


What possessed me? What in all that is in the heavens persuaded me to click on that lozenge that said Register?

That’s right, for some reason I registered for Ride London 2020.

But that’s fine, said the little demon on the shoulder. You have entered three times before and only been successful once. Don’t worry, you won’t get in.

Eighty thousand people go for 22,000 places…

It’ll be fine…


So here I go again. The lycra, the hours, the pain, the hills, the hills, those bloody hills.

The getting up when everyone else considers going to bed, the fitting in training with whatever else is thrown at me on top of normal life.

So what’s my motivation this time? I’m not riding for a charity target, just myself and, depending on the time I start, hopefully aim for a good time. Last year I got a Strava time of under six hours so this time, who knows?


In November, I somehow managed to get Sepsis through Quinsy and thanks to the steroids, a chest infection soon after. I have been off the bike for two months. All those dark days gone. For me, a quite significant gap in the cycling schedule.

But we’ll see.

In the meantime, I beg your indulgence. As I said, no charity ride target this year, but there is a charity close to my family’s heart which I would dearly love for anyone reading these to contribute to.

Dyspraxia, a form of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults.

The Dyspraxia Foundation is a small yet busy charity that keeps on going despite funding cuts. It is not some giant but a charity set up in in 1987 as the Dyspraxia Trust after two mums found out that there were no facilities for their just diagnosed children.

They decided to form their own group to help others to help themselves. More importantly, they have been a great help to my family in terms of support and information.

At the top and bottom of the page will be Giving buttons for the Dyspraxia Foundation.

And if you give, you will be in a draw to win a Bear on a Tricycle cartoon of your choice!!

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